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Doctor (2022)

In one ward there are different children: one completely went into the world of virtual reality of computer games and decided that he had ceased to be a person and turned into a Creature, the second, due to the fault of his stepfather, became interested in the ideas of Nazism, the third, a boy from a prosperous family, no longer wanted to live and tried to step with balcony, and the fourth is simply silent and hates everyone.

How to reach their hearts, find the root cause of the evil that has settled in their souls, convince them that the ideas of fascism are absolute evil, and life itself is worth not giving up, but appreciating every moment? Dr. Khristoforov solves these problems, overcoming bureaucratic obstacles, his own problems and doubts, the resistance of young patients, and the misunderstanding of his loved one - the head of the hospital, Margarita. But the most difficult thing is to overcome your own loneliness.

Cast: Sergei Puskepalis, Olga Tsirsen, Igor Chernevich, Denis Loginov, Veronika Ustimova, Roman Konoplev, Elena Susanina, Tatyana Grishkova, Tatyana Korovina, Anna Begunova

Director: Artem Temnikov

Writers: Maria Anufrieva, Tamara Bocharova, Artem Temnikov

Operator: Alexey Fedorov

Composer: Sergey Lebedev, Konstantin Poznekov

Veronica as Elata in the movie "Doctor"

The film was filmed in Yaroslavl in the winter of 2022 . The film is based on the novel “Doctor X and His Children” by Maria Anufrieva, dedicated to the life of children “with special needs” in a psychoneurological hospital. Each child has his own psychological traumas and characteristics. Veronica plays the role of Elata, the daughter of rich parents who do not care about their child. Elatha is deeply indifferent to life in which she cannot find a place for herself.

There are practically no famous actors in the cast. The main role, the role of Doctor Ivan Khristoforov, was played by Sergei Puskepalis. By a tragic coincidence, this role became the actor's last role.

The film premiered at the Winter Film Festival in Moscow in December 2022 . The film has not yet been released widely.

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